Sales and Installation

Sales and Installation services offered by Nite & Day Power include all hardware necessary to build-out an entire power system for your critical infrastructure. We offer a broad line of products representing the best the industry has to offer. Our licensed and factory trained personnel will design and implement the best strategies to meet your power requirements including the elements below.

Uninterruptible Power Systems

Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS) provide electrical power free of the sags, surges, transients, brownouts and blackouts as well as seamless, uninterrupted backup power in case of utility power outages. UPS Systems are centerpiece equipment for correcting these power problems and range in size from desktop modules up to multi-megawatt power-plants. Our training and experience ensure the proper selection and installation of your UPS System.

Power Distribution Units (PDU)

The trend for server centers is an ever-increasing concentration of smaller and more powerful processing units. With this increase in requirements comes the need for better power distribution. These factors have caused a dramatic increase in the number of dedicated AC power circuits required. Power Distribution Units (PDU’s) are cost effective solutions to this challenge. We support the installation of PDU’s ranging in size up to 300 kVA with 120VAC, 208VAC, or 480VAC.


Nite & Day Power installs and supports virtually all makes and models of batteries. Banks of batteries can be installed in open-shelving and enclosed cabinets.  Close attention to connection, cable routing and cooling is required to ensure long-life operation and improved efficiencies.


Servers, electrical equipment, and the UPS itself  generate heat. This heat, if not removed, can quickly elevate temperatures beyond the equipment's operational parameters and damage batteries.   We offer a special line of dedicated cooling unit to augment room cooling for those cases where the building cooling cannot maintain adequate protection against runaway heat.

Transient Suppressors

Electrical transients can cause random or catastrophic failures and data loss.  Although a UPS will provide a certain level of protection against dast electrical transients, the UPS itself can be damaged in the process. Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor (TVSS) protect UPS investments at a low cost. Typically, a TVSS installation will employ a phased-in approach where heavy duty devices are installed at the electrical service entry and then supplemented by lighter duty devices as you get closer to the actual loads.

Power Cabling

For raised floor applications, pre-manufactured and/or custome made cables are a great way to reduce installation time and cost. Nite & Day Power can provide custom cabling for your AC and DC needs.

Battery Monitor and Charging Control

Batteries are at the heart of any backup power system. However, your batteries are typically stored in a remote location where frequent observation is difficult. Battery monitoring and carefully designed charging systems can be an effective way to further ensure your backup power is available when you need it..

Environmental Monitors

Data centers and electrical centers in general are not typically manned around the clock. Should a problem develop, immediate detection and intervention when problems (thermal, overload, equipment failure) occur in unattended areas can prevent what would otherwise be dire consequences. Nite and Day Power offers a comprehensive range of monitoring systems capable of detecting conceivable variety of conditions and notifying key personnel via telephone, pagers, email or internet. Additionally, most systems may monitor current status at any given time while other units can actually initiate actions via remote commands.

Our Service Areas include:  Fremont, Saratoga, Santa Clara, San Jose, Cupertino, Campbell, Los Gatos, Mountain View, Los Altos, Milpitas, Palo Alto, Stanford, Menlo Park, Atherton, Redwood City, San Carlos, San Mateo, Belmont, Burlingame, San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, Pleasanton, Millbrae, Union City, Newark, Hayward, Morgan Hill, Scotts Valley, Santa Cruz