Battery Backup Power for Onsite Coronavirus Testing
Power from an electric utility is intended to be reliable. But as soon as you step off the beaten path, you need battery backup power. Nowhere is this more obvious than today’s onsite coronavirus testing labs.
Battey Backup Power is Critical to Safety, Efficiency, and Accuracy in Coronavirus Testing
In many cases, new mobile facilities were planned from the ground up to give medical professionals the resources to travel where testing capacity is most needed. Onsite coronavirus testing makes it easier to keep everyone safe when conducted at large parking lots and other open spaces.
There are significant use cases for battery backup power in coronavirus testing:
1. Modular Coronavirus Testing at Existing Facilities
Coronavirus testing facilities can be made modular and moved into existing spaces. In situations like this, battery backup power serves as an additional layer of protection. It can ensure the voltage received by sensitive testing equipment is clean, enabling tests to execute as expected.
2. Coronavirus Testing at Older Laboratory Sites
Older structures may not have the additional wiring capacity to support onsite coronavirus testing, so a battery backup plan can isolate lab equipment and avoid putting more stress on the system. That will prevent any spikes, surges, and dips from damaging laboratory devices.
3. Alternatives to Generator Power in Coronavirus Testing
No matter the physical layout of a coronavirus testing site, it is a good idea to avoid generator power interfacing with key equipment. As a primary power source, generators suffer from a high level of frequency variation. This can lead to unexpected results and shorten the life of the equipment.
4. Maintaining Accuracy of PCR Systems
The center of an onsite coronavirus testing lab is usually the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) system that detects coronavirus in a patient’s blood sample. Power fluctuation or loss during the analysis can not only ruin the data collected to that point but destroy the sample, requiring a second test.
5. Sample Storage for Coronavirus Testing
Since any one PCR unit has a limited testing capacity and samples must be maintained during the whole analysis process, most onsite coronavirus testing facilities will require substantial refrigeration. Battery backup power is essential to deliver a consistently low temperature.
Medical facilities have used battery backup power for decades. Now, a robust and reliable battery backup system suitable for onsite coronavirus testing is just a phone call away. Contact Nite & Day Power to learn more.